CRM Engage

Engage for Faculty

Refer students to resources.

ENGAGE offers faculty members a user-friendly early alert tool that enables them to refer students to various campus resources or send virtual “applause” to students who are performing well. When an alert is generated, the system automatically sends an email to the student, which is followed up with a courtesy phone call to ensure that students receive the necessary assistance.


Engage for Students

Connect with resources/ask for assistance.

ENGAGE allows currently enrolled students with a quick and easy way to connect with multiple resources. Once a request for assistance is submitted, you will receive an automated email with additional information and you should expect a phone call from the appropriate office staff.


For any issues accessing the portal, please contact:

Marco Diaz
(928) 344-7626
Schedule a Meeting

Knowledge Base Search

Enter your search below and click the apply button.

Title Summary Updated
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