What is Phishing?

Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials or account information by masquerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or other communication channels. Learn more...

If there is ever an email you believe is a phishing attempt or suspicious in any way, please forward it to servicedesk@azwestern.edu and we'll investigate it further.

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Title Summary Updated
Voicemail Access your AWC Voicemail while Out of the Office There are two different ways employees can access their AWC voicemail box while away from their phone and/or outside of the campus telephone system…
Payment Plan Payment Plan Below are instructions for setting up a payment plan for tuition at Arizona Western College. You can find the payment plan schedule at http://mycollegepaymentplan.com/azwestern/. After…
Technology Acceptable Use Policy AWC Technology Acceptable Use Policy PURPOSE The Arizona Western College computer network and technology facilities represent a commitment to provide a workplace with modern computing tools and…
Equipment Loan Agreement I agree that I am responsible for returning this equipment on time and in the same condition as when I borrowed it. I understand that: When I return the equipment, it will be inspected. If the…
Equipment Loan Agreement - Student Use Equipment Loan Agreement - Student Use I agree that I am responsible for returning this equipment on time and in the same condition as when I borrowed it. I understand that: If, after an ITSS…