Take-Over Concert Held at Lutes Casino

October 18, 2017

The Arizona Western College Jazz Ensemble will be performing during an upcoming Take-Over Concert at Lutes Casino, 221 S. Main St.

The event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 18, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Lutes Casino will donate a percentage of every food order to benefit the Jazz Ensemble.

“We want to play for a live audience, and an audience of friends, family, and fellow students can be particularly gratifying,” said Shawn Pollard, Professor of Instrumental Music. “This concert is a warm-up of sorts for the Jazz Ensemble’s fall concert on December 6, at the AWC Theater.”

Funds raised during this Take-Over Concert will go to the AWC Instrumental Scholarship Fund that is primarily used to pay the private lesson fees for deserving music students.

For more information, contact Professor Shawn Pollard at louis.pollard@azwestern.edu or (928) 344-7573.

Shawn Pollard
Professor of Instrumental Music
Arizona Western College
(928) 344-7573