Web offers expert consultation, training, and technical support across key websites. Whether you need assistance with content creation or resolving technical issues, our team is here to help.
Official AWC Websites
Types of Services
Request Support
Discover the resources available to assist you with web projects. Whether you’re seeking access, training, or technical support, or looking to create new pages or develop content, these options will guide you to the right assistance.
To get access, training, or technical support, choose access, training, or technical support. If you need page creation or web content development, select page creation or web content development.
Use your AWC NetID to login
No login required here
Shared Content Responsibilities
- Sarah Herman of Communications and Marketing handles AWC Event Calendar requests
- Human Resources is responsible for content found on the Staff Directory
Other websites supported by AWC which are NOT SUPPORTED by Web Services include:
Examples of other websites NOT SUPPORTED by Web Services include:
- Office 365 web-based products for on https://portal.office.com -- Supported by Information Technology
- http://apply.azwestern.edu AWC Admission Application aka Ellucian CRM Recruit -- Supported by Admissions
- http://canvas.azwestern.edu aka Canvas -- Supported by Learning Services
- http://selfservice.azwestern.edu aka Self Service -- Supported by Enterprise Services
- https://colleague.azwestern.edu aka Ellucian Colleague -- Supported by Enterprise Services
- https://webadv-prod.ec.azwestern.edu/WASVRX/WebAdvisor aka Web Advisor -- Supported by Enterprise Services and Human Resources
- https://libguides.azwestern.edu aka LibGuides -- Supported by AWC Librarian staff
- https://azwestern.csod.com/client/azwestern/default.aspx aka Jobs Recruitment -- Managed by Human Resources
The online calendar is also maintained by a decentralized group of administrators, and you may work with that designated person to get your event on the online calendar. Keeping the calendar updated with your events is important to you and to the college because we re-purpose that material in a variety of ways to notify the community about what is happening at the college.
Advertising Versus Sponsor Recognition
We DO NOT advertise on the college website. Advertising is a one-way marketing message promoting a group or business brand. However, we do permit sponsorship in which businesses or groups fund events or activities in exchange for recognition.
Sponsors may be recognized with a message about their participation and a logo or photos. The college will choose the placement of this content and determine the duration and any other limitations like the choice of photos, the size of the logo, or whether it is appropriate for our audience.
URL Aliases
URL aliases are customized web addresses that enhance user experience and search engine visibility. Created at the discretion of the Marketing department, these memorable links simplify navigation and improve content indexing. By using user-friendly URLs, we make sharing easier and strengthen our brand identity across campaigns.
Alias | Path |
5stageprocess | student-support/advisement-services/five-stage-process |
aache | student-life/clubs-and-organizations/aache |
about | about/why-awc |
academic-library | library |
academics | academics/degrees-and-certificates |
accessability | student-support/accessibility-services |
achform | sites/default/files/awc/purchasing/ACH_ECheck_Form.pdf |
admission | enrollment/admissions |
admissions | enrollment/admissions |
advisement | student-support/advisement-services |
advising | student-support/advisement-services |
agscience | instruction/ag-science |
alumni | about/alumni |
ambassadors | enrollment/admissions/ambassadors |
apply | https://azwestern.elluciancrmrecruit.com/Admissions/Pages/Welcome.aspx |
assessment | instruction/assessment |
athletics | http://www.awcmatadors.com |
awcalert | support/topics/awc-alert-system |
bci | instruction/business-and-computer-information-services |
board | district-governing-board |
bookstore | http://awc.bncollege.com |
camp | student-life/camp |
campus-life | student-life |
campus-police | student-support/campus-police |
careers | student-support/career-services |
careerservices | student-support/career-services |
cie | instruction/cie |
clubs | student-life/clubs-and-organizations |
commencement | graduation-and-beyond |
conduct | student-life/student-conduct |
conferences_and_events | conferences-and-events |
continuinged | workforce-ed |
cte | career-and-technical-education |
curriculum | instruction/curriculum-and-articulation |
degrees | academics/degrees-and-certificates |
dgb | district-governing-board |
dining | student-life/dining |
doitin4 | student-support/transfer-services/transfer-from-awc |
earlystart | enrollment/register |
eatery | student-life/dining |
echoes | communications-and-marketing/television-services/echoes-from-la-paz |
employee_directory | directory |
events | about/upcoming |
facilities | administrative-services/facilities-management |
fall | enrollment/register |
family-night | event/family-night |
familynight | event/family-night |
finaid | enrollment/financial-aid |
finals | academics/finals-schedule |
financial-aid | enrollment/financial-aid |
FinancialAid | enrollment/financial-aid |
finearts | about/upcoming |
firststeps | first-steps |
gallery.html | http://azwestern.photoshelter.com/index |
ge | instruction/general-education |
general-education | instruction/general-education |
graduation | graduation-and-beyond |
halloffame | hall-of-fame-nomination |
health | student-life/health-and-wellness |
hispanic-heritage | about/upcoming |
honors | student-life/honors |
housing | student-life/on-campus-housing |
hr | human-resources |
ierg | institutional-research |
incident-report | student-life/student-conduct |
incidentreport | student-life/student-conduct |
informatics | instruction/informatics |
instinct2 | institutional-research/instinct2 |
international | student-life/international |
jobs4matadors | student-support/career-services/jobs-for-matadors |
jumpstart | event/jump-start-saturday |
keys | student-support/keys |
lacosecha | student-support/transfer-services/la-cosecha |
latestart | enrollment/register |
LETA | career-and-technical-education/public-safety |
lgbtq | student-life/health-and-wellness |
live | https://videoplayer.telvue.com/player/uo_xbqbgNCpbHOxxSdQn8k8e_uXUvKvh/stream/573 |
locations | about/locations |
map | campus-map |
marketing | communications-and-marketing |
massage | career-and-technical-education/licensed-massage-therapy |
massagetherapy | career-and-technical-education/licensed-massage-therapy |
military | enrollment/military-services |
modernlanguages | instruction/modern-languages |
myprofessor | node/23960 |
news | about/news |
nursing | instruction/nursing |
orientation | enrollment/orientation |
payment | paying-for-college/payment |
photo-download | communications-and-marketing/photo-services/photo-download-request |
photos | http://azwestern.photoshelter.com |
pla | instruction/prior-learning-assessment |
police | student-support/campus-police |
priority | enrollment/register |
promise | enrollment/admissions/la-paz-promise |
psi | career-and-technical-education/public-safety |
public-safety | career-and-technical-education/public-safety |
public-safety-dispatch | career-and-technical-education/public-safety/basic-public-safety-dispatch |
purchasing | administrative-services/purchasing |
radiology | career-and-technical-education/radiologic-technology |
register | enrollment/register |
registration | enrollment/register |
risk | administrative-services/risk-management |
safe-zone | student-life/health-and-wellness/safe-zone |
safety | student-support/campus-police/campus-safety |
schedule | https://colss-prod.ec.azwestern.edu/Student/Courses |
scholarships | enrollment/financial-aid/scholarships-and-grants |
seismology | http://virgil.azwestern.edu/~seismology |
SEluncheon | event/student-etiquette-luncheon |
sga | student-life/student-activities/student-leadership |
showcase | node/10497 |
spring | enrollment/register |
ssc | student-success-center |
startearly | enrollment/register |
startup | http://communities.techstars.com/usa/yuma/startup-weekend/13321 |
strategy | office-of-the-president/strategic-planning |
student-conduct | student-life/student-conduct |
student-grievance | student-life/student-conduct/formal-student-grievance-form |
summer | enrollment/register |
TalentSearch | student-support/talent-search |
tech-support | support |
testing | enrollment/testing-services |
titleIX | student-life/student-conduct/title-ix |
tobaccofree | student-life/health-and-wellness |
toromail | node/23344 |
transcripts | enrollment/student-records |
transfer | student-support/transfer-services |
transfers | student-support/transfer-services |
travel | administrative-services/travel |
tutoring | student-success-center |
tv | communications-and-marketing/television-services |
UpwardBound | student-support/upward-bound |
veterans | enrollment/veteran-services |
vetnet | enrollment/veteran-services/support |
vip | student-life/health-and-wellness/violence-intervention-and-prevention |
visit | about/visit-awc |
web-training | communications-and-marketing/web-training |
wellness-at-work | human-resources/wellness-at-work |
wi | instruction/writing-intensive-courses |
winter | enrollment/register |
If you have any questions about web, email Marketing@azwestern.edu.