
The Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office serves to help campus-wide assessment efforts. 

The office assists faculty and staff with the assessment of academic and institutional program reviews, goals, and outcomes, and provides training for AWC's assessment activities and reporting.

Mission Statement

The Curriculum, Assessment, and Scheduling Office supports the College vision by providing college-wide leadership in assessment, program review, and the collection of the educational data. These information services enhance the college's culture of evidence and assist administrators and faculty in data-driven decision making at all levels of the college. We are dedicated to accessibility, communication, and innovation.

College Values

  • AGILITY – We welcome change, anticipate stakeholder needs, identify flexible, innovative solutions, adapt to meet constituent needs, and are process focused.
  • PASSION – We dream big, propose creative solutions, exceed expectations, and foster an engaging and supportive environment.
  • TRANSPARENCY – We build trust through honesty and openness, include stakeholders in decision-making, and communicate thoughtfully and clearly.
  • UNITY – We collaborate to develop and achieve goals, find opportunities to create synergy and empowerment, and work holistically toward student success.
  • EMPOWERMENT – We are inspired to do our best work when governance and responsibility are shared equitably, individuals are encouraged to express diverse and innovative perspectives, and courage is esteemed over comfort.
  • RESPECT – We express the highest levels of professionalism and kindness, seek common ground with openness & inclusivity, challenge ideas with an empathetic mindset, and listen to and acknowledge others’ ideas with civility and courtesy.

Statement of Purposes

The College...

  • creates an environment for growth through impassioned teaching and learning that encourages higher orders of thinking and performance, advocates the free exchange of ideas and is responsive to changes in technology, delivery structures, and markets;
  • awards associate degrees and certificates to students who successfully complete programs of study and prepares students for work, for meeting personal goals or for transition into other studies;
  • enhances the cultural climate through visual and performing arts and offers physical and recreational development to the community;
  • assists students to achieve success by providing support services, including academic advising, career counseling, financial direction, learning support and activities for student enrichment;
  • establishes opportunities for lifelong learning through partnerships with public/private schools and colleges, universities, governmental agencies, and economic development organizations; and
  • provides access to learning for students, staff, and community through environmentally safe and sound facilities and equipment.


File Name Downloads
Formative and Summative Assessment Download
Characteristics of Good Measuring Instrument Download
Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes Download
Writing Effective Rubrics Guide Download
SMART Process to Developing Measures Download
Measures and Goal Statement Workshop Download
Direct and Indirect Assessment Link
Selecting an Assessment Measure Link
Designing Effective Rubrics Link
Assessment Basics Link
LMU Assessment Resources Link
AALHE Assessment Resources Link
SALG Website for Instructors (create free evaluation tools) Link
How Do We Analyze Data? Download

Annual Report

File Name Downloads
2021-2022 Assessment Report Download

Institutional Benchmarks

Quantitative Analysis: 70% or more of students enrolled in GE courses designated Quantitative Analysis will be able to identify and extract relevant data from given mathematical or contextual situations; and/or select known models or develop appropriate models that organize the data into tables or spreadsheets; and/or obtain correct mathematical results and state those results with appropriate qualifiers.

2016- 2017 Proficiency Results

Competency Measures Proficient
Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of exponential and logarithmic functions Set up and evaluate an exponential growth model 48%
  Find the doubling time 45%
Investigate linear functions and use them to model real world data Finding the line of best fit 60.6%
  Finding the correlation coefficient and interpreting 51.6%
  Using the line to make a prediction 49.2%
  Average rate of change 53.5%

Freshman Composition I, ENG 101, benchmark: 75% of AWC students in Freshman Composition I classes will demonstrate a writing proficiency of a level of “3”(competent) or above (proficient, strong, and superior) on a writing artifact evaluated by a blind juried assessment team comprised of disciplinary scholars. This percentage will be determined by a random sample of ENG 101 writing artifacts.

Writing in the Discipline (Writing Intensive-WI) : 70% of AWC students in Writing in the Discipline (Writing Intensive) classes will demonstrate a writing proficiency of a level of “2”, or proficient, on a writing artifact evaluated by a blind juried assessment team comprised of disciplinary scholars. This percentage will be determined by a random sample of WI writing artifacts. Results are available on the Writing Assessment webpage.

State/National Exam Outcomes

Radiologic Technology National Registry, Spring 2023 graduates 14 13 1
Nursing NCLEX, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 63 62 1
Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.) State Board, Summer 2022-Spring 2023 91 88 3
Paramedic EMS- NREMT-EMS, Spring 2023 14 7 7
EMT-B- NREMT, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 55 33 22
International Fire Service Accreditation Congress, Firefighter 1 & 2, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 31 27 4
International Fire Service Accreditation Congress, Hazmat First Responder Awareness (FRA) and Operations (FRO) 31 25 6
OSHA 30 Hour, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 30 30 0
Culinary Arts ServSafe, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 38 11 27
LETA, Arizona Peace Officers Standards & Training (AZPOST), Fall 2022-Spring 2023 25 25 0
Air Conditioning EPA Section 608, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 29 29 0
Refrigerant Handling Certification, EPA 609, Fall 2022 22 21 1
Automotive ProCut, Spring 2023 17 17 0
American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), Spring 2023 5 2 3
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA), Fall 2022-Spring 2023 32 28 4
Certified Phlebotomy Technician (NHA), Fall 2022-Spring 2023 48 40 8
AWS, D1.1 SMAW/FCAW/GMAW Welding Certification, Spring 2023 17 14 3


Mission Statement

The Assessment Committee is dedicated to providing support, resources, and opportunities for faculty, staff, students, and administrators to discuss, conduct, and share thorough, thoughtful, critical analysis and reflection of student learning, services, and business practices provided at Arizona Western College and to encourage students to become agents in their own learning.


  • Support and sustain a culture of assessment.
  • Share information about assessment practices of curricular, co-curricular, institutional services, and business practices and develop a shared language and demonstrate understanding of assessment across the institution.
  • Survey faculty, administrators, staff, and students on their understanding of assessment and current assessment efforts.
  • Solicit feedback about faculty, staff, administrator, and student needs related to assessment.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development on academic, departmental, and organizational goals and learning outcomes assessment.
  • Encourage the use of assessment plan data to improve teaching, learning, services, and business practices.
  • Develop, publish, and maintain a current display of academic, departmental, and organizational learning outcomes that align with the Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO).
  • Collect, analyze, and recommend interventions based on student feedback regarding their understanding and application of Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO).
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop an understanding of assessment and how learning outcomes relate to teaching and learning through course and program assignments, exams, and projects.
  • Encourage students to become agents of their learning by:
    • Insuring they are being taught all identified learning outcomes
    • Questioning how learning outcomes relate to course and or program assignments, activities, and or projects
  • Engage in rater reliability activities with other community colleges in the state.

Membership Requirements and Structure

Committee members will be required to:

  • Participate in the completion and submission of a course, program, departmental, and or organizational assessment plan annually.
  • Participate in one or more Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) student feedback activity.
  • Act as a resource and champion of the Assessment Committee to help faculty, staff, students, and administrators develop an understanding of the purpose and value in conducting and recording an assessment of teaching, learning, services, and business practices.
  • Engage in diverse, creative, and innovative discussions in support of institutional assessment.

Committee membership include faculty, staff, and administrators.

The culture of assessment of assessment at Arizona Western College is continually evolving, as is the nature of assessment. Faculty and staff engage in discussions around assessment and how to better assess what occurs inside and outside of the classroom on a continual basis to improve teaching, learning, and services.

Institutional Assessment Plan

Institutional Departments use annual assessments of their goals and or student learning outcomes to drive their work forward each year. A collection of annual assessments is also very beneficial when working on a program review. Administrative Department Assessment Report Template

Academic and Entrepreneurial College units are following the 2023-2026 assessment plan approved by the Assessment Committee.

Year 1 – Fall 2023 and Spring 2024

  • Review and Revise course Student Learning Outcomes (as needed) – Fall 2023
    • Attend training on how to develop effective SLOs (training to be provided throughout fall 2023 and spring 2024)
    • Review course SLOs for all courses in each area
    • Revise SLOs if needed (no more than 5-7 SLOs per course
    • Revised SLOs are sent to Curriculum for approval (as needed) – Fall2023/Spring 2024
    • SLOs are updated in the syllabus available on AWC’s website

Year 2 – Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

  • Attend training on linking assignments to SLO’s (training to be provided throughout fall 2024 and spring 2025)
  • Add SLOs to Canvas courses
  • Link assignments to SLOs in Canvas
    • Determine benchmarks for assessment based on available data points from Canvas

Year 3 – Fall 2025 and Spring 2026

  • Link course SLOs to Program SLOs in Canvas (training to be provided throughout fall 2025 and spring 2026)
  • Begin collection of data against benchmarks from course SLOs – Fall 2025
  • Determine benchmarks for program outcomes – Spring 2026
  • Begin collection of data against benchmarks from PSLOs – Fall 2027