Streamline your email signature creation in seconds. No more manual formatting.

Fill out the fields below, click Submit, wait for the signature to be generated, then click the Copy Signature button. Then, follow the instructions for your email client, such as Outlook. Make any additional edits, as needed.


The email signature generator will generate an email signature for you. To get started, fill in the required fields, click Submit, wait for the email signature to generate, then click the Copy Signature button when it appears.


  • The logo is linked from the college website, it is not embedded.
  • The signature automatically adds the following after your contact information:

Email signatures serve as a professional representation of Arizona Western College.

Here are some best practices for effective email signatures:

  • Consistency: Email signatures across the institution are consistent in terms of format, fonts, and content. This helps maintain a professional image.
  • Standardized Information: Include essential information like your full name, title, and contact information.
  • Contact Information: Provide contact details such as your email address and contact numbers.
  • Logo and Branding: Incorporate the institution's allowed official logo or branding elements.
  • Disclaimers: Include legal disclaimers or confidentiality statements, if needed or required.
  • Keep it Simple: Avoid clutter and excessive graphics. A clean and minimalistic design is usually more professional.
  • Font and Formatting: Use a standard, easy-to-read font and ensure proper formatting for consistency. Avoid using too many different fonts or colors.

For information about our branding rules and guidelines, please visit our Branding page.

Follow the following steps to get your signature added to the Outlook Windows client.

  1. Open Outlook on your Windows computer.
  2. Click on "File" in the upper left corner.
  3. Select "Options" from the left sidebar.
  4. In the Outlook Options window, click on "Mail" in the left pane.
  5. Under the "Compose messages" section, click on "Signatures..."
  6. In the Signatures and Stationery window, click "New" to create a new signature.
  7. Give your signature a name (e.g., "Work Signature").
  8. In the "Edit signature" section, paste your copied email signature from the generator.
  9. Click "OK" to save your new signature.
  10. In the "Choose default signature" section, set your new signature for "New messages" and "Replies/forwards" if desired.
  11. Click "OK" to confirm and close the windows.

Follow the following steps to get your signature added to the Outlook Mac client.

  1. Open Outlook on your Mac.
  2. Click on "Outlook" in the top menu and choose "Preferences."
  3. In the Preferences window, select "Signatures."
  4. Click the "+" button to create a new signature.
  5. Give your signature a name (e.g., "Professional Signature").
  6. In the right pane, paste the copied email signature from the generator.
  7. Close the Preferences window to save your new signature.

Follow the following steps to get your signature added to the Outlook web client.

  • Open a web browser and go to our Microsoft 365 login.
  • Login and navigate to Outlook within Microsoft 365.
  • Once in Outlook, click the gear icon (Settings) in the top right corner.
  • In the Settings pane, select "Compose and reply" from the left sidebar.
  • Under "Email signature," paste your copied email signature from the generator.
  • Scroll down and click "Save" to save your new email signature.
  • Close the Settings pane.