Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Community Policing

The philosophy of community policing is being advanced as the new policing system for the twenty-first century. This course is designed to provide the theories and practicalities of the new policing, as well as to identify the basic concepts, strategies, experiments and research on community interaction.

Criminal Investigation

Theory of criminal investigation, crime scene procedures, case preparation, interviewing, and basic investigative techniques are studied.

Criminalistics: Biological Evidence

The scientific analysis and examination of biological evidence with emphasis on collection and preservation of evidence. Topics discussed include blood, drugs, alcohol, hair, fibers and topics of special interest in criminalistics.

Animal Industries

The livestock and poultry industries including applications of scientific principles, marketing, and selection are emphasized.

Human and Animal Interrelationships from Domestication to Present

Evaluation of interrelationships between humans and animals from ancient to modern times, including evolution through domestication of animals in Europe and the New World

Livestock Production Mgmt

This course develops entry-level skills in the production and management of livestock and companion animals. It includes skill development in facility design and management of breeding systems in cattle, horse, sheep, goat, swine and companion animals. Learners will learn how to handle livestock appropriately. There will be an online component covering Institutional Animal Use Care and Use Committee (IACUC) training and certification.

Feeds and Feeding

Selection, evaluation, classification, and use of feeds for specific purposes in animal nutrition to include the element of nutrition, commonly used feeds, nutritive requirements, feed processing, and practical methods of feeding different classes of livestock and evaluation of livestock carcasses to determine nutritional needs.

Principles of Genetics

Genetic principles of inheritance in plants and animals and their significance in agriculture and biology will be discussed. Topics include the physical basis of heredity in families and populations; introduction to chromosome biology; the molecular basis for gene expression; and modern genetic engineering tools used in animal and plant systems.

Introduction to Anthropology/GE

An introductory, general service course for both anthropology and non-anthropology majors. Covers physical anthropology, linguistics, archaeology, and cultural anthropology. Controversial topics are presented and discussions are open and often lively. World cultures are compared.

Intro. to Archaeology and Prehistory/GE

Surveys the evolution of humans and cultures from the earliest beginnings to the development of the first civilizations. Many controversial topics are presented and the discussions are often lively. The manner of instruction is informal.

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology/Ge

The basic concepts of social and cultural anthropology are discussed using the social, economic, political, family, and religious systems of a variety of societies for illustration. Emphasis is placed on culture as an adapting and evolving structure.

Introduction to Native American Studies/GE

Covers the origins and development of the Indian populations from prehistoric to modern times in North America and Mexico. Origins of the major tribes of the greater Southwest are emphasized.

Beginning Conversational Arabic I

A conversational course that will introduce students to the Arabic language. Students will learn vocabulary, basic grammatical structures, useful phrases and sentences related to daily life.

Beginning Conversational Arabic II

A conversational course for students with prior familiarity of Arabic language and culture of the Arabic-speaking countries.

Survey of World Art 1/GE

A survey history of Western European art from Paleolithic to the late Gothic period along with primitive art from non-Western sources.

Survey of World Art 2/GE

A survey history of Western European art from the Renaissance to contemporary times including important non-Western influences.


A course in hand-formed ceramics designed for the student who is not seeking transferable credit. Class projects include slab and coil formed vessels and sculptures, use of the potter's wheel and the use of glazes for high temperature firing. May be repeated.

Basic Design/2 Dimen.

Color, line, shape, value, composition and texture, the basic elements of design, are explored as the substructures of visual imaging. Black and white as well as color are used from collage to construction. The course is a required foundation course for art majors and minors and is a prerequisite for upper division classes at most 4-year colleges and universities.

Basic Design/3 Dimen.

The sculpture of Western and Non-Western traditions, primitive to modern, provide the basis for this study of 3 dimensional design principles. The basics of modeling, carving, assembling, and mold making will be touched on. Both realistic and abstract works will be made using clay, foam core, plaster, and other materials. This course is a required foundation course for art majors and minors and is a prerequisite for upper division courses at most 4-year colleges and universities.

Gallery Operations

This course introduces the student to the various aspects of operating an art gallery including solicitation of artists, show presentation, show installation and public relations. Several local venues will be utilized including Gallery Milepost Nine and the Yuma Art Center.