Course Syllabi

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Course Description
Introduction to Geospatial Technology

Introduction to the fundamentals of Geospatial Technology.

Spatial Analysis

This course introduces students to problem-solving and decision making using geospatial analysis techniques.

Data Acquisition and Management

This course addresses the interpretation and understanding of a variety of data formats available in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Cartographic Design

This course introduces fundamental cartographic concepts.

Health Care Aide

Essential skills for caregiving at live-in facility, home health care and direct care worker.

World History to 1500/GE

Topics related to political, economic, social and cultural history of the world from its earliest beginnings to 1500.

World History Since 1500/GE

Topics related to political, economic, social and cultural history of the world from 1500 to the present.

History of U.S. to 1877/GE

This course is a survey of American history from the pre-Columbian era to the end of Reconstruction.

History of U.S. Since 1877/GE

This course is a survey of American history from Reconstruction to the present.

History of Arizona/GE

Arizona's history from Indian cultures through the Spanish, Mexican, and American periods. Special attention is focused on the lower Colorado region and its historic importance to Arizona.

Women in American History/GE

A general survey of women's changing roles, status and contributions in American history from colonial times to the present. This course will analyze the social, political and economic aspects of women’s lives and explore the ways in which race, ethnicity, and class influenced the American female experience.

Western Civilization 1/GE

Topics related to the ancient Middle East, Greeks and Romans, the medieval world, the Renaissance, and the Reformation.

Western Civilization 2/GE

Topics related to Europe in the ages of absolutism , reason, revolution, Napoleon, nationalism, and the world wars, and the social and cultural background of our own age.

History of Mexico/GE

A general survey of Mexican history from prehistory to the present. This course will explore the indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica, the period of colonization, the struggle for independence and nationhood in the 19th century, the Mexican Revolution, the era of populism, political and economic crisis during the 20th century, and national rebirth in the 21st century.

Introduction to Homeland Security

Introduction to current public management policies and issues relevant to the security of the United States. The course relies upon theories, concepts and case studies to explore the challenges facing organizations which are part of protecting the security of our homeland.

Introduction to Fire and Emergency Services

Introduction to services provided by fire and ambulance services as well as their responses to man-made or natural disasters. The course will examine the responses and responsibilities of private, municipal, county, state, and federal organizations and relies upon theories, concepts and case studies to explore the challenges facing these organizations which play a major part in protecting the security of our homeland.

Homeland Security Portfolio

Designed to help personnel of the Department of Homeland Security to develop a portfolio that details those prior-learning experiences at any of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Academies that may be considered for college credit at Arizona Western College.

Introduction to Cyberterrorism

This course provides an in-depth analysis of the differences between cyberterrorism and cybercrime and the motivations that drive all types of cyber adversaries.

Federal Law

Federal Law covers immigration, customs, and criminal law as established by the Federal Government of the United States. The classification of crimes, elements of and parties to a crime, and criminal responsibility issues are covered.

Bioterrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Biological weapons that are employed against man, animals and plants. Major biological agents targeted for use as weapons against humans will be studied including: the various clinical forms induced by exposure to the agents, prophylaxis and treatment for the resulting diseases and the primary routes of dissemination of the agents studied. The class will cover the potential for biowarfare/bioterrorist acts, how destruction is produced, and what countries/groups have access to sufficient bio-agents or the capacity for producing large quantities of bio-agents for use as a weapon.